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Breastfeeding Research Publications

Douglas, PS, Does the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s Clinical Protocol #36 ‘The Mastitis Spectrum’ promote overtreatment and risk worsened outcomes for breastfeeding families? Commentary. International Breastfeeding Journal. 2023,18: doi: 10.1186/s13006-023-00588-8


Douglas PS. Author's response to Comment on: Rethinking lactation-related breast inflammation: classification, prevention and management (letter to editor). Women's Health. 2023:10.1177/17455057231166452.


Douglas PS. Re-thinking benign inflammation of the lactating breast: classification, prevention, and management. Women's Health. 2021;18: doi: 10.1177/1745505

Douglas PS. Re-thinking lactation-related nipple pain and damage. Women's Health. 2021:18:doi: 10.1177/17455057221087865.

Douglas PS. Re-thinking benign inflammation of the lactating breast: a mechanobiological model. Women's Health. 2022;18:

Douglas PS, Perrella SL, Geddes DT. A brief gestalt intervention changes ultrasound measures of tongue movement during breastfeeding: case series. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2022;22(94):

LeForte Y, Evans A, Livingstone V, Douglas PS, Dahlquist N, Donnelly B, et al. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Position Statement on ankyloglossia in breastfeeding dyads. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2021;16(4):278-281.

Douglas PS. Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of nipple and breast candidiasis: a review of the relationship between diagnoses of mammary candidiasis and Candida albicans in breastfeeding women. Women's Health. 2021;17:


Ozturk M, Boran P, Ersu R, Peker Y. Possums-based parental education for infant sleep: cued care resulting in sustained breastfeeding. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2021;180:1769-1776.


Douglas PS, Cameron A, Cichero J, Geddes DT, Hill PS, Kapoor V, et al. Australian Collaboration for Infant Oral Research (ACIOR) Position Statement 1: Upper lip-tie, buccal ties, and the role of frenotomy in infants Australasian Dental Practice. 2018;Jan/Feb 144-146.


Kapoor V, Douglas PS, Hill PS, Walsh L, Tennant M. Frenotomy for tongue-tie in Australian children (2006-2016): an increasing problem. MJA. 2018:88-89.


Douglas PS, Geddes DB. Practice-based interpretation of ultrasound studies leads the way to less pharmaceutical and surgical intervention for breastfeeding babies and more effective clinical support. Midwifery. 2018;58:145–155.


Douglas PS, Keogh R. Gestalt breastfeeding: helping mothers and infants optimise positional stability and intra-oral breast tissue volume for effective, pain-free milk transfer. Journal of Human Lactation. 2017;33(3):509–518.


Douglas PS. Making sense of studies which claim benefits of frenotomy in the absence of classic tongue-tie Journal of Human Lactation. 2017;33(3):519–523.

Wattis L, Kam R, Douglas PS. Three experienced lactation consultants reflect on the oral ties phenomenon. Breastfeeding Review. 2017;25(1):9-15.


Douglas PS. Special Edition: Tongue-tie Expert Roundtable. Clinical Lactation. 2017;8(3):87-131.


Douglas P. Diagnosing gastro-oesophageal reflux disease or lactose intolerance in babies who cry alot in the first few months overlooks feeding problems. J Paediatr Child Health. 2013;49:e252-256.


Douglas PS. Re-thinking 'posterior' tongue-tie. Breastfeed Med. 2013;8(6):1-4.

Breastfeeding Research Commentary and Essays

Douglas, P S. Conclusions of Ghaheri’s study that laser surgery for posterior tongue and lip ties improve breastfeeding are not substantiated. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2017;12(3):180-181.


Douglas, Pamela S. Deep cuts under babies' tongues are unlikely to solve breastfeeding problems. The Conversation, 3 March 2016.

Douglas, Pamela S. Tongues tied about tongue-tie. Griffith Review Online, vol 51. 2 March 2016

Breastfeeding Education for Health Professionals

Douglas PS. Does domperidone increase breast milk production? The Medical Republic. 2022;12 May: 

Douglas PS. Hey baby! Why can't I massage out my blocked milk ducts or mastitis? The Medical Republic. 28 October 2021.


Douglas PS. Untangling the tongue-tie epidemic. The Medical Republic. 1 September 2017:

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