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Infant Sleep Research Publications

Douglas PS. The need to acknowledge similarities between the 2022 D'Souza andCassels and the 2014 Whittingham and Douglas contextual models of infant sleep. Sleep Health. 2023:in press.


Pattinson CL, Edmed S, Smith SS, Douglas PS, Questioning the Effectiveness of Behavioural Sleep Interventions for Infants, The Journal of Pediatrics (2023), doi:


Ozturk M, Boran P, Ersu R, Peker Y. Possums-based parental education for infant sleep: cued care resulting in sustained breastfeeding. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2021:doi: 10.1007/s00431-00021-03942-00432.


Whittingham K, Palmer C, Douglas PS, Creedy DK, Sheffield J. Evaluating the 'Possums' health professional training in parent-infant sleep. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2020;41(5):603-613.


Ball H, Taylor CE, Thomas V, Douglas PS, Sleep Baby and You Working Group. Development and evaluation of ‘Sleep, Baby & You’ - an approach to supporting parental well-being and responsive infant caregiving. Plos One. 2020;15(8): e0237240


Douglas PS. The Possums Sleep Program: supporting easy, healthy parent-infant sleep. International Journal of Birth and Parent Information. 2018; 6(1):13-16.


Ball H, Douglas PS, Whittingham K, Kulasinghe K, Hill PS. The Possums Infant Sleep Program: parents' perspectives on a novel parent-infant sleep intervention in Australia. Sleep Health. 2018;4 (6):519-526.


Whittingham K, Douglas P. Optimising parent-infant sleep in the first 6 months: a new paradigm. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2014;35:614-623.


Douglas P, Hill PS. Behavioural sleep interventions in the first six months of life do not improve outcomes for mothers or infants: a systematic review. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2013;34:497–507.

Infant Sleep Commentary

Douglas PS. Babies and sleep: a matter of choice. MJA Insight. 2017;34


Douglas, Pamela S. Response to 'Behavioural management of infant sleep problems under 6 months: what works?'. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2016;37:520-521.


Douglas, Pamela. High level evidence does not support first wave behavioural approaches to infant sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2015:29:121-122.


Douglas PS, Whittingham K. Response to 'Sleeping like a baby? Infant sleep impact on care givers and current controversies'. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2015;


Infant Sleep Education for Health Professionals

Douglas PS. Hey baby! It's lockdown. The Medical Republic. 23 July 2021.


Douglas PS. Hey baby! Are you upset because you're overstimulated? The Medical Republic. 28 June 2021.


Douglas PS. Hey baby! How can we reset your circadian clock? The Medical Republic. 31 May 2021.


Douglas PS. Hey baby! Why are you awake so much of the night? The Medical Republic. 20 April 2021.


Douglas PS. Hey baby! Why can't I put you down for day-time naps? The Medical Republic. 4 February 2021.


Douglas P, Shirley B. How to Treat: The Crying Baby. Australian Doctor. 2013; 24 May 31-38. (Please ignore the questions and answers at the end, as they were not written by the authors and have inaccuracies!)

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